Emotionally Happy Homes

Rescued From My Breakdown and Stopped Blaming My Family

Six weeks ago I felt like I was having an absolute breakdown. I was emotionally a mess, my husband was away on a conference for four days, I had just given up smoking, I was working long hours and I had lost touch with my daughter who I decided was the devil incarnated.

I couldn’t concentrate, really didn’t even want to get out of bed and I spent the whole day wanting to cry. I felt really anxious and my mind would not settle. I felt so lost and I felt like child all over again but had no idea who to go to. I rang the clinic and made an appointment.

From the moment I stepped into the beautiful clinic my life began to change. At first I just broke down and I felt that 20 years of emotions all locked up were bursting to be relieved. From my very first session the sun started to shine.

Jules taught me how much of my life had become “stories” that I had played into time and time again. I was living unconsciously and I was miserable. The worst part of this was that although I blamed certain parts of my unhappiness on my family, most of it was what I had created and they were merely acting out what my energy was creating. This is not what I wanted for me or my family and this was not how I wanted to live the life I had been given – and so my lessons began.

Jules has taught me how to live consciously – I want to be part of the present and acknowledge and live each day to its fullest. I want to be a role model for my family and to love them unconditionally.

Jules is my saviour. I have learnt so much in such a short period and I want to be able to help people in the same way in the future. Being conscious everyday and being grateful for all I have is such a gift and it is a choice we can all make – give it a go, you will be amazed.

More Gratitude

New Self Trust

Life is a beautiful journey, how we look at it determines so much of our happiness.Body Consciousness opens up your awareness of self. You learn to use your intuition, understand and express feelings. It helps you to find solutions to issues that affect your journey in life.

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Freedom From Post Natal Depression

I started on my journey of dedicated growth 7 years ago after suffering from severe post natal depression and a marriage breakup. I knew that there had to be a better way to heal than the traditional counselling and medication.

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How Did I Get So Lucky

Before I met Jules, I couldn’t tell you a time that I hadn’t felt insecure. My inner critic ran wild and free and was rarely positive, especially when I saw my reflection in the mirror. It wasn’t just my appearance that disappointed me, it was pretty much the whole package! What did I have to offer???

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