Women's Wisdom Workshop

Woman’s Wisdom Workshop


Join us for our next workshop!
Date: 1st – 2nd December, 2018
Venue: Yoga Central
Address: 123 Beddington Rd, Doonan 4562
Time: 9am – 5pm

Adult – $330
Teenager – $110

Bring your teenage daughter


SKU: Workshop040818 Category:


Date: 1st – 2nd December, 2018
Venue: Yoga Central
Address: 123 Beddington Rd, Doonan 4562
Time: 9am – 5pm

Adult – $330
Teenager – $110

This is a two-day workshop specifically for women and mums looking for spiritual growth and an understanding of themselves. Jules shares her knowledge and skills in identifying your own daily stress and gives you the tools to that create alignment and emotional happiness.

Your teenage daughter is welcome to attend this workshop, where she will increase her own awareness and develop her discern for others, as she navigates her teenage years.

Women’s Wisdom is a connected source of information, education, application and self-soothing action that is also oceans of fun.

(Prices include GST and there are no refunds. If you are unable to make the workshop, your ticket may be used for another workshop within a year of purchase.)