Emotionally Happy Homes

From Lost, Addictive Party Girl to Happily Married Mum

It is extremely hard to sum up in words the massive effects Jules’ work has had on my life but I’ll try.

I’ve been working with Jules and her body work for about 10 years now and the changes I’ve gone through have been nothing short of miraculous.

I was a single, young, lost individual using partying and addictions to try to fill the holes in my life until Jules showed me another way. Right now I am happily married and a new mother to my amazing son who has an incredible level of awareness and consciousness – all thanks to the healing energy work of Julie O’Neill.

Every day I muscle test myself and use the Body Consciousness work to focus on my intuition and make better decisions and choices.

When I wasn’t a stay-at-home Mum I worked full time in an amazing corporate role, which I could only have attracted once my self-worth would allow it and this again is thanks to the Body Consciousness work.

I still see Jules every month and very much look forward to every session.

In short…..being more aware and conscious gives you the tools to make amazing personal choices for yourself and love yourself which many don’t think is possible!

Don’t miss out on an amazing opportunity to change your life!!
Good luck xxxx

Sarah McDonald

More Gratitude

No More Doubt or Fear

I first started working with Jules about 4 years ago.
My acupuncturist recommended I attend one of her courses for ongoing aliments. I was unhappy with my situation and unsure how to empower myself to change.

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End to Son’s Regular Vomiting

My youngest son would vomit for 1 to 2 days every 3 to 4 weeks. We kept a record of his diet but there was no consistency between what he had eaten and the vomiting.
We took him to our Doctor who took blood and stool samples which all came back clear. I decided to use the charts and test him.

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Positive Outcome for Me and My Daughter

I cannot tell you how much last weekend meant. It was totally inspirational and very special for me and my daughter.
Going from 11/10 on a scale of how much she hated me to negative was pretty awesome.

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